Handbags For The Eco-Conscious Woman March 19, 2020Jim “Going green” is a very popular phrase in our current society. Shopping takes on a whole new meaning as we search for organic [...]
Nip Tuck In The Real World January 22, 2020June 19, 2020Jim So would you do it? Would you go under the knife? We live in a time where plastic surgery allows endless possibilities for [...]
Investing In The Digital Currency Is Safe Or Not? Let’s Find Out! January 1, 2020December 13, 2019Jim Digital currency is an unregulated and novel asset class, and it is based on blockchain technology. Crypto tokens are innovative and new, which [...]
A Peek into the Future of Digital Currency December 30, 2019December 12, 2019Jim This new innovative technology is used by every step of financial planning out there so that they can scope out for the very [...]
The Basics Of How Cryptocurrency Gain Its Economic Value December 28, 2019December 12, 2019Jim The value of any cryptocurrency like Bitcoin would usually be dependent on supply and demand. Supply would mean the available amount of cryptocurrencies [...]