How to Lose Weight

Want to know how to lose weight without dieting or feeling hungry all the time? As you’ve probably heard, diets don’t work. If you starve your body, you’ll just gain more weight back when you go off the diet. This is because once the “famine” is over, your body naturally wants to take in even more calories to protect itself from the next famine.

Believe it or not, the secret on how to lose weight is not to go on a diet at all.

There’s one weight loss plan that allows you to eat as much as you want whenever you want. No, I’m not talking about Atkins or any other lose-weight-fast fad. The way of eating I’m talking about is far, far older than any fad diet that is really just some author’s latest attempt at getting rich. In order to reduce the weight of the body, the [google_bot_show][/google_bot_show]resurge pills should be purchased as per the prescription of the experts. The attempt of the person should be in the right direction to reduce the excessive weight of the person. The purchase should be made from online stores that are licensed for the purpose. 

If you want to know how to lose weight, the secret is to look into the past. I’m not talking about your past but into the past of all humanity.

Do you know what our far distant ancestors ate before they learned how to farm? They didn’t eat rice, they didn’t eat wheat (bread and flour), they didn’t eat corn, and they didn’t eat potatoes. Most of those things can’t even be consumed unless they’re cooked (which humans didn’t figure out right away).

No, our long-dead ancestors ate meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. Now and then they might find a special treat of nuts or honey, but for the most part, their diets consisted of fish, meat, vegetables, and fruit. None of that was deep fat fried either. There was no McDonald’s drive through back then. There was no chocolate, soda, or coffee back then either.

If you want to know how to lose weight, just follow that diet!

Now wait a minute, you’re thinking. Didn’t primitive man only live 20 or 30 years?

Actually, by looking at the fossil records we know that while the odds were against long life, it was because there was no understanding of disease prevention, no way to treat infections, no way to conduct safe childbirths, and no way to hunt food without putting your life in danger (if you think you take your life in your hands when you commute home from work on the freeway, imagine heading out with a spear to hunt a mammoth!).

The fossil records show us that primitive man not only was trim, lean, and muscular, but that he rarely died of the “diseases of civilization.”

If you’re looking up information on how to lose weight, you’re probably not just worried about dropping a few pounds. You are worried about diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Guess what? Primitive man rarely, if ever, died of these diseases. Why?


There’s just nothing healthier than meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. This is the food we evolved to eat. Grains came later. They proliferated because they were easy to grow, easy to store, and could feed more people, but if you really want to know how to lose weight and stay healthy for the rest of your life, the answer lies in a simple diet:

Eat as your ancestors ate.

Now, for you Atkins fans out there, this doesn’t mean eating two packages of bacon a day. The animals that were killed for meat in the old days roamed free and were a lot leaner than what is raised today. Today we purposely make meat fatter and juicier. We’ve also trained our fruit to grow larger and sweeter.

So if you really want to know how to lose weight quickly and efficiently, stick with fish and leaner meats (chicken breast, turkey, lean beef, venison, etc.) and eat more vegetables than fruit. But you can absolutely treat yourself to some bacon now and then.

The great thing about this entirely natural diet is that you’ll not only lose weight, but you’ll feel better. All the nutrients you need are in this diet. When I started eating this way, not only did I lose weight and feel better, but my asthma disappeared, my headaches went away, and my acne cleared up.

This way of eating seriously works. If you want to know how to lose weight permanently, just try this diet.