3 Simple Rules to Making Your Blog More Readable

One of the Main Goals of any Good Blog Post is Readability (This Sub Title is in Heading 

A good rule of thumb when you’re first starting out is to Blog with Brevity! My humble opinion is to offer no more than 3 paragraphs of 65-100 words each…it certainly can be less but you want to be rigid on staying under 300 words. And you want each one of those paragraphs to have defined points of contact with your readers.

The other rule of a readable blog article is the use of different heading sizes (H1, H2 & H3), fonts, colors, images, videos, backlinks and even bullet points. Breaking up your text with subtitles, paragraphs and bolded or colored fonts makes your blog easier to digest for your readers.

Here is my 2 cents on a simple format that I recommend when beginning your blogging journey. Remember, you are just starting out and haven’t connected with a readership yet, as I’ve said…brevity is the course! Keep it simple and let your new community of readers tell you if and when they want more from you and your blog! Three simple rules are followed for the uploading of instagram video ads at the profile. The connection of the Internet is required to be stable for watching of the advertisement videos. The process should be simple to get the right results in the awareness about the products. 

Keywords in your Blog Post (This is a Secondary Title in Heading 2)

You should decide on a keyword for your blog post and almost always…before you even start writing your post. Your keyword can be a single word like ‘Blog’ or a series of words or even a sentence like ’3 Simple Rules to Making Your Blog Readable’. Just remember, if you opt for the latter, you may find it difficult to place that exact series of words in your post as often as you need for good search results.

Keyword density should be around 2-4% which means for a post of 300+/- words, your keyword should be in your blog 6-12 times. Also, if and when possible, starting and ending your article with your keyword can also help catch the eyes of the search engines.

In General, I like to see beginning bloggers keep their post to 3 paragraphs. If for no other reason but to allow your readers to easily see most if not all your post without the need to scroll down. 1. First Paragraph…Engagement – (This is a third level Title in Heading  Asking a question or offering a “what if” scenario at the very start will set the tone for your post as well as invoke a common idea or issue with your readers. What do think of the new facebook format? Have you noticed all the changes that have happened in the past few weeks? If you are feeling confused or overwhelmed by what’s going on with facebook…you’re not alone. With so much going on and Google Plus hot on their heels in the Social Media race to be number 1, is this the right move for facebook…right now?

Tell me what you’re Telling me This is the point where we explain the who, what, when, where and why of our blog post…you’re welcome to continue with a level of engagement in this section if you wish. Ever since the changes came down in the past few weeks, I’ve heard a constant murmur of grumblings from many in my news feed about how they don’t like the new layout. Trying to remember, this is their facebook and we are only along for the ride, I try to go with the flow on these changes. Some are subtle, some are downright hard to understand…but all in all, I like what facebook is doing and I don’t think it will take long before others find the new look and feel a change for the better! (96 words) Now is the time to ask for comments or some level of communication.

Asking folks to respond to your post or even offering your services at this point is a good hook and end to your post. Let me know what you think of the new facebook layout…like it…hate it…don’t care either way! And what are your thoughts on any future changes as that they say are coming down the road? Let’s hear from you…leave a comment or feel free to give me a call directly at 206.228.1900 to discuss how facebook is changing things for the better…or for the worse! 

OK, now let’s see what it would look like as an actual blog post. I will add an image, a backlink, my keyword(s) and the Heading structure we talked about above.

Facebook has Gone and Changed Things Again!

What do think of the new Facebook Format?

Have you noticed all the changes that have happened in the past few weeks? If you are feeling confused or overwhelmed by what’s going on with facebook…you’re not alone.

With so much going on and Google Plus hot on their heels in the Social Media race to be number 1, is this the right move for facebook…right now?

Is the Change to Your Facebook a Good Thing?

Ever since the changes came down in the past few weeks, I’ve heard a constant murmur of grumblings from many in my news feed about how they don’t like the new layout. Trying to remember, this is their facebook and we are only along for the ride, I try to go with the flow on these changes. Some are subtle, some are downright hard to understand…but all in all, I like what facebook is doing and I don’t think it will take long before others find the new look and feel a change for the better!

Like it or Not, Facebook is a Great Place to Do Business!

Let me know what you think of the new facebook layout…like it…hate it…don’t care either way! And what are your thoughts on any future changes as that they say are coming down the road? Let’s hear from you…leave a comment or feel free to give me a call directly at 206.228.1900 or heck, send me an email to discuss how facebook is changing things for the better…or for the worse!